Saturday, March 06, 2004
Greetings to one and all!
Today marked my first day off in over a week! Well, save sunday, but Sunday didn't count as I was busy from 8am untill 9pm. So today was my first day of nothing! Yay for days of nothing!
So on my first day of nothing I... slept! And then I went to see The Passion of The Christ with my sister. Well done movie. It was funny, someone asked me if I enjoyed it after I saw it. I had to stop and go "heh" after that. I mean, seriously, how enjoyable is seeing someone tortured to death on screen? But it was a well written, well filmed, well scored movie. And a very effective telling of the story of the Passion.
My second day of no work will be spent listening to Irish music and eating Irish food at the Irish fest in Augusta. That should be a great time. :)
Sunday will be spent... Ummmm Listening to more Irish music and going to church and singing in a choir rehearsal (I don't have to be at church at 8 in the morning, though, as the choir isn't singing this week!).
Monday will be spent... Umm... Perhaps getting a piece of plastic saying I can live in SC and drive.
In a couple of weeks there is a possible visit involving a couple if Mississippian friends. More to come on this as it develops!
Monday, March 01, 2004
Hi faithful readers of this blog! It's been a little while since I posted anything real, hasn't it? I guess a week or so, not too bad really.
The job is going great. I've just about gotten everything figured out/memorized and am getting into the swing of things pretty well. Today I got to open all by myself, that went well. Today was also rather slow, I suppose because it was warm today, no one wanted hot stuffs.
I am having a hard time remembering my schedule for this week though, as it has been changing, people keep needing different hours and I am flexible so I switch with them :)
I got Becca's car back to her after a week and then some. I took it to paint the places that got messed up in her accident and to change the oil. I got the stuff painted but it then started raining. Today I changed out her brake pads and changed the oil. No more squealy brakes! It didn't take near as long as MY brake job took, as soon as I got the correct pads for that car!
I am loving life here in Augusta. The job keeps me busy, the friends i've made are great, and the church is wonderful. They just got done with the missions conference, and though I didn't get to go to any of the meetings except for Sunday, I have gotten the tapes and have been enjoying listening to them.
I've joined the choir, as well. We sing in the 8:30 and the 11am services, and can leave after the anthem in the 11 o'clock service, I go over to Redeemer's house then (a... mission/plant/offshoot of First Presbyterian) and get there just in time for the teaching. I knew I was going to like the choir when the first song I sang with them in rehearsal was in seven. :)
And for easter they are doing a Te Deum by Rutter. Rock!
Alright, well I'm going to end this post and go to bed soon, I've been up since 4:30!
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)