Saturday, December 20, 2003
About my move:
Got everything (almost) packed and moved out of the apartment. I have a few things left there that I will get when I am down tomorow and sunday.
Got everything unloaded into the basement. Still sorting through stuff and finding places for it but I am pretty close to done. Keeping most of my stuff in boxes as I do not want to stay here for long.
My computer was acting up last night. I kept getting errors with the BIOS. Let it sit till today, works now. The modem is installed. I am having trouble getting a dial-up connection working... It won't let me make one, that option isn't selectable in the connection wizard... If anyone knows how to fix this please e-mail me (nick @
Right now I am very annoyed with that and the fact that we can't get highspeed here. Bleargh. I'm going to bed soon.
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Musicians are an odd breed, and Russian musicians doubly so...
I just learned that Tchaikovsky had an unexplained fear that, while conducting, his head would fall off. This fear was so strong in him that he would hold onto his chin with his left hand while he conducted, to make sure it was not coming loose.
The things you learn while listening to the radio...
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Ok, e-mail and the other pages in the root web dir are back up. Subdirs are still not up and FTP access is still off, so it's back like it has been for a few months now...
I have sent seven (well, 10 really, as 2 are married couples and 2 are sisters) lucky people Christmas presents. Two (or four, as the case may be) know exactily what is in these boxes I sent out (well, 2 of those 4 don't know EVERYTHING that is in THEIR package, as I included some other stuff with theirs) but the others do not know. Some of them may be expecting something (Or possibly all, since I had to ask for addresses...) but they won't know whats in the packages untill they get them! To those of you who were chosen, I hope you enjoy (if you even read this thing! I'm pretty sure a few of you do.)
In other news... I'm packing. I hate packing, it confuses me. I try to organize things but then stuff just gets thrown together because there is so much random small stuff... Ach, I guess I'm NEARING an end...
Tomorow some people are coming over for dinner, I need to be done by then because I need to get all my stuff out of the living room so Chris can entertian. I am pretty sure I will do that. I also need to go to the zoo tomorow and get a CD for my little sister, Catherine.
FYI: at the moment my n ic k @p la ty pi00 7.n e t e-mail is down as is anything but I dropped the billy a line so I hope something will be fixed soon.... Untill then write to me at ni ck go se y @ ho tma il . c o m There are no spaces in my actualy e-mail addresses but sometimes spiders crawl over things and pick out e-mails, so I try to mask mine whenever I thinka bout it. If it's too much trouble for you to figure out that my e-mail is my name at hotmail then you don't deserve to e-mail me.
Sunday, December 14, 2003
Oh, my fish died.
And I found out Butler apparently has no broadband internet services.
What a great day! :D
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)