Saturday, December 24, 2005
My dog is in pain of some sort... Not sure what's wrong with her but she didn't jump up to greet me when I got home but she generally knows not to do that when my grandmother is already asleep so she won't make too much noise. But after she came out to greet me and crawled back under my bed she yelped a couple of times, then she yelped when she jumped up on my bed (she likes to sit on my bed while I'm on the computer) and was very reluctant to get back down or to stand up. I had to build steps off the bed with boxes and pillows to get her down and she yelped a couple of times.
She walked fine, but yelped again when she tried to get under the bed (her favorite place) and is just laying with her head under my bed and her body sticking out. Very odd for her to do...
In other news, I put a new power steering pump on my car in hopes that it would fix the steering. It didn't and the steering is just as before. I plan to take it off tomorrow and see if they will take it back. That's $100 I don't need to spend. Dad and I will take it to my uncle's family's shop on Tuesday and see if they can find out what is wrong with it. If it's the rack I don't know if I'll get it fixed or just look for a new car...
It just won't make it to 320k miles... Stupid car.
So I have a sick dog and a sick car.
But tomorrow is the eve of the Christ Mass and though it will not be spent celebrating in the morning the late afternoon and evening will be spent in observance of tradition (dinner at my grandmother Gosey's house, though earlier than years past to facilitate I guess Christmas eve service at my church) and then the Christmas eve service at my church. Sunday morning becca and I will sing Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming in the service at Dad's church and then that evening is dinner over here.
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)