Read this and you'll go insane
Saturday, March 29, 2003
I made $25 in under and hour today moving and setting up a sound system. Yay for money.

And a random quote from my friend's e-mail to me:

"I still dream of the day i can be a part of performing something, ANYthing, by Arvo Pärt. Ah, one day we'll all be in heaven, we might even all be Greek Orthodox, and it'll just be one big, fat, happy Pärt choir. Yeah, that'll be great."

I almost forgot the best part of the day! Dr. Roberts announced about opera scenes, I already knew part of this from a conversation with her last night...

She has adopted the title of an idea Becca and Julie had called, "Random Acts of Opera." The idea was to have people perform random opera acts in random places, at random. Well, the only thing she's adopted is the title.

The first half of the program will be stuff from, Don Giovanni, Rigoletto, and Carmen, maybe something else, don't remember. Then the second part....

*drum roll*

P. D. Q. Bach's half-act opera, The Stoned Guest!!!!!!!!!


I found out today that there is really no danger of match boxes bursting into flame even if you put them in a fire. I tried to burn a matchbox full of matches today.... It was not as awe-inspiring as I had hoped... I ended up lighting a tealight and putting the matchbox directly over the flame. It was there for about 5 minutes and the box is still mostly in-tact except for about a centimeter strip down the middle. The match heads did burn, but not in the ball of flame I had hoped. Actualy, I didn't notice them ignite, but they are all burned now... So... Matchboxes are made to be fire-resistant dangit... So if you are ever in a burning building and have a piece of paper with you that is REALLY important, fold it up and put it in the matchbox and run out of the building, that way the paper will not catch fire.

The trees need to stop having sex!!!!!!!!! ARGH POLLEN!!!

Actualy I think it's grass pollen right now. the pine pollen was everywhere last week and I had some slight sinus troubles and it made a big mess. This week it's not as messy so I assume it's grass, and it's really made me feel cruddy.

So, no opera for me tomorow... They sold out. Ah well... We'll try for Rigoletto in May.

Tonight I went with becca to LOTR (two towers) at the dollar theatre. $1.50 for a movie is nice. Specialy for that movie. Except for the fact that the theatre has paperthin walls and you can hear the movie next-door. At least they moved drumline to the theatre on the other side of the one next to the one LOTR was in. When I saw Chamber of Secrets there drumline was right next door!

Then I got coffee. Mmmm good coffee strong coffee...

So, yesterday I did it. I dropped Acting II. I knew if I tried to pass the class my other studies would suffer, and seeing as how i HAVE to have the other classes to graduate and I only need Acting II to get my theatre minor, I chose to graduate without the minor even though I'm only 3 credits from getting it.

Life is easier. I've never made a decision to make my life less stressful before, and it was good to do.

Yesterday was exausting though, had to help with the private/homeschool choral fest we hosted, but it was a good thing. I love seeing young people excited about music, and the choirs were good (except for the showchoirs, of course...) They had some good literature too. Except the showchoirs, of course. :)

So I was workin that from like 8:30 till about 3. And I had not gone to bed untill 4am, eek! Then I ran around Tatum Court getting a myriad of signatures so I could drop Acting. That wasn't too hard though. After that Mrs. Vail asked me to lead handbells for the day so she could rest up for Steph's recital. Well, at four there were exactily three of six people there. I ran around looking for the key to get the bells out and for the other two people (we knew tony was out) and then FINALY we had bells, ran through Alegro a few times and it went pretty well actualy. We're playing it in recital class in a couple of weeks. It's pretty hard. not the hardest song i've played this year though. At least I only have four bells now. I was doing like 12 bells at one time! :) Four-in-hand is fun!

After that I ran to get food and then I had a test in chem, not sure how I did, I had to guess at some stuff. But we do get one drop grade if I need it. We had untill 7:15 to take the test and then we were supposed to come back at 7:25 for the lab. I got done at 6:30 and went and helped set up recording equipment for Steph's recital and sat in on the first 20 minutes of that, I was glad I got to, I had thought I would miss it. I heard the first Italian, the French (beautiful songs, just beautiful), and german. then she was singing something from Rigoletto and I left to do the lab. I got there and there was only one student, the lab assistant, and the teacher. they had done it early and gotten done. The teacher told me what we did and showed me how they did it and told me to answer the questions in the lab report - it was nothing hard at all, I was back at the recital by the time steph was finnishing her first english song, I had only missed the rigoletto and the first english one. I was there for the last two english songs and to congratulate her.

Then I came home and died of exaustion. The pollen has really taken it out of me!

Thursday, March 27, 2003
I have come accross the blog of a homeless man.

As he says, it's best to start at the beginning of the archives (whcih are found in the right-hand column torwards the bottom)

He has a way with words... not what I would expect of a homeless man. But thats a stereotype.

He has some good things to say, about homelessness, about life, about God.

Read the first post on that page, it's the bottom-most one. Man...

anyway, just wanted to put that up here.

Well, my molly had baby fish today; or "frys," rather. They are hiding out in the plants and not getting eaten. I know for sure there are five, there could be more. I was hopeing they would get eaten because I just don't have space for them! I can keep them untill they are fairly big, but not full grown, not for long, the aquarium will be over-crowded. I think pet-stores will take them, though I am not sure. I hope they will, it seems cruel to flush them. I'd rather their parents eat them and take care of the matter for me. I'm a sick illegitimate child, aren't I?

I have recently gotten flowerboxes and flowers for my windows and a miniature rose. It's spring :) I love the rose, it's blooming well.

I think I'm going to drop acting II, along with my theatre minor... I just can't do everything I need to for that class and I'm on the verge of failing for absences anyway... what's a minor anyway? Will it get me anything in the future? Probably not, it's more just saying, "I wanted something to do so I studied a bit about theatre; I really don't know anything, but I can talk like I do." Which, I have had enough classes to be able to say that without actualy having it on paper. It was fun, but I think I need to drop it and focus on other stuff. I'll figure that out for sure tomorow.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003
So, today I was going to add an online application for audition to the music departments website. Then I realized I don't know if we have CGI, I don't think we do, but I called the help desk and left a message asking if we do and told them to call my cellphone. Well, he did and left a message informing me that he did not know if we had CGI, and that he had asked the sysadmin if he knew, and he didn't know! What?? How do you not KNOW if the server you administrate has cgi? How do you administrate a server and not know, which probably means you do not know what CGI even IS. How do you administrate a computer system for an institution and not know what CGI is?

Monday, March 24, 2003
I'm going to the opera on saturday! Don Giovanni! YAY!!!!!!

And tomorow is Carnaval of the Animals at Carey! Awesome stuff, really awesome. I havn't really heard any of carnaval, but I heard them practicing the bartok piece last night! Great stuff! MOO!!!!!

So, tonight I was going through boxes, looking for some missing computer CDs and I found lots of old memories...

Memories from youth group, from my days at the seminary, from all state youth choir...

I found letters from people I've lost touch with (and from people i still talk to, like my steph sis) and I found a bunch of old tapes (including TWO copies of DC Talk's Free at Last!!)

I found my old notebook journals. Read some... rather odd stuff! I was an odd kid and I did a lot of semi-short story writing back in those days, most with a sci-fi flare to it, some with a douglas adam's flare to it....

I was a member of some star trek e-mail sims, and I wrote a lot of the stories for those in there, maybe i'll post them here one day, maybe not..

But the two most interesting by far were these:

If a cat always lands on it's feet, and buttered toast always lands buttered side down, what happens if you glue a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat and drop the cat from a high building?

Theoretically, the cat will fall, spinning, towards the ground, stopping inches from the ground and hover there, spanning at a high rate of speed forever.

Could we one day harness the anti-gravity effects of the spinning buttered-toast-cat and use it for transportation?

The answer, sadly, is no. The cats legs cause the whole thing to be terribly unstable. If you remove the legs the cat, having no feet to land on anymore, will become a small spatial anomaly (this is because of the numerous laws of physics and relativity that are broken and space/time breaks down in the area surrounding the cat.) This is actually how black holes are formed. (Yes, I know, this will change modern science in a profound way and make lab rats obsolete!)

The cat, beginning to pull everything to itself until even light can't escape it's pull. After a few thousand years the mass will have grown to an amazing number.

This is why "black cats" are considered bad luck, because early space travelers got lost in them.

Heh... Wow, I can't believe I wrote that. Guess Brother What's his names sermons at MBC were good for SOMETHING, eh? :)

And how about this, a description of the yeryetti, one of the two creatures I made up on irc, the other was the veryet, a docile rodent-like creature that had only one predator, the yeryetti!


Stands upright, average height of about 3 meters, on two legs. Has four arms ending in large paws with large, sharp, super strong, black claws averaging 6" thick and 1" thick. Eyes are black and lifeless, like a Earth shark's. Sharp, long, white teeth in three rows, averaging 3" in length. Tough, thick, black hide that can't be penetrated by even their own claws. Black, thick fur.

They have hyper-sensitive hearing, sight, and smell senses. They can stand extreme stimulation of all senses. They can withstand temperatures of at least 400 degrees C. They can survive in a liquid or gas environment (oxygen, co2, fluorine, nitrogen, methane, and various others will support them) They can survive up to half a year without nourishment.

They are very aggressive and will kill for the act of killing alone if they are not hungry. They can be controlled by a hard to master language of clicks, whistles, and telepathy. They adapt easily to many situations and environments including the vacuum of space.

Yeryetti were genetically developed 1500 years ago on Tellis Qari, the fifth planet in the Realik system. The people of Tellis Qari, the M'trest, were a very aggressive, warlike race and developed the yeryetti as a super-soldier.

The yeryetti were only defeated once and at the loss of all hands onboard the ship that had been boarded. The commander of the vessel set course into the core of the sun of the system they were in.

After the M'Trest perished, the yeryetti lived the next 700.....

Veryet were cat-like in aperance except for their 21 legs and the fact that they came in two toned striped colours ranging from browns and blacks to purples and yellows. A myriad of colours those veryet! Veryut was the plural. And plural of yeryetti is yeryetti.

Anyone remember me talking about these in ZJam?

How about the Mooheads? I met the queen of the mooheads finaly! She came down and visited for becca's recital with her fiance bryan. It's about freaking TIME I meet christymir!

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