Read this and you'll go insane
Friday, March 29, 2002
I'm just testing a new posting thing the careytownsendboy showed me. It's pretty nifty. blogBuddy

ARGH! Word Perfect just crashed and it hadn't saved a backup yet, so I lost about half a page of stuff I had typed for this!

Here goes again...

Today is wonderful and sad.

Sad because my Fersis and lacy left this morning to head back to Missouri. I said goodbye to them last night after a whole day of fun, which was great because I hadn't gotten to spend much time with them up until this point. I'll tell about that in a bit. Also sad because of the above ARGH! Statement.

Wonderful because of a few things.

Firstly, I woke up with a lot less of a sore throat and congestion, it's all still there, and so is the cough, but it's still getting better!

Second: I got a call a little bit ago from the manager of the apartments Chris and I have applied for and they will have an apartment open the middle of next month! This is great, Chris had told me about the possibility of a house being available for free or at least cheap, but that didn't work out and so this is exactly what we wanted! It's a little earlier than we wanted but it's great! We will drop off our deposit today and I'll have to get my dad to come down and co-sign sometime before the 19th for financial reasons. So, in less than a month, I will have an apartment of my own!

Thirdly, we have no school today :) That means that I have a chance to do things I need to do, some shopping, apply to a few places to work this summer, and take by all the rolls of film from yesterday.

Yesterday: was great.

Becca and I went to our first class (so did fer and lacy) and then we skipped everything else (Just recital class and some work and handbells, and I got mike to fill in for me with the work and I have more than enough attendance to pass recital class already) and we went down to the coast to Marine Life so fer and lacy could meet the dolphins. We got there just in time for the dolphin show and spent most of our time at the top of the dolphin tank actually, didn't go to any other shows. After the show was over the trainers spent some time with them and most everyone stayed and watched that, then they finished and left, we stayed there to watch the dolphins and they started playing with us. They throw their basketballs (the small kind) out of the tank to you and expect you to throw them back :) It's really neat. They can also dribble underwater. If any of you ever have a chance to meet dolphins you should, they are really amazing.

After we finished playing with the dolphins (yay it just did a timed backup, I won't loose all this!) We walked on the beach for a bit, fer and I snapped some pictures there, also have some from the dolphins and from our eating lunch and getting attacked by SEAGULLS beforehand.
Also went to Barnes&Nobles and I bought a couple of books on Irish and Celtic legends, they were on clearance and have some neat stuff in them :) Also saw about a hundred other books I wanted to buy haha. That is such a bad place for me to go into. Any bookstore is. And to think, I'm applying at Books-a-Million!

So, yesterday was a great day, today promises to be wonderful. I am no longer depressed, so I am pretty sure it was just from being sick. But gosh what a mess I have to clean up in this room, when I am sick I just stop cleaning up my room usually, also I wasn't here much coz I was spending all the time I could with fer and lacy..

I'll post those pics to my webpage soon as I get them back. The colour rolls ought to be back by next week, black and white roll will probably be a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Dangit, I hate this. Was doin good just to make it through my Purcell and the Beethovan song cycle tonight in practice with Chris..... one month... less than.... and I have to have this memorized in two weeks or so for my hearing!


And my head hurts
I want it to explode
and I failed a test today
of course so did the other three people who took it.
so I guess I shouldn't feel bad about it.

I'm drinking some green tea with orange and spice right now, I figured caffinated earl grey wasn't good for a day like this. It's actualy pretty good.

No earl grey, but pretty good.

Not many things are earl grey though

Another downside to this cold in relation to singing: I can hardly hear myself, and it was hard to hear the piano. So I had to get on the open side of the piano and lift the lid half-mast, and hold a hand over my ear furthest from the piano so I could hear both myself AND the piano. Really a pain. So is a sore throat.

Alright, I must sleep... or try to!

Sunday, March 24, 2002

That basically describes my day. Ok, so I woke up a lil bit late, feeling pretty crappy actually, and got ready to go to church, got there right before I was supposed to be there, I like to get there early. Ah well.... So, I didn't feel REALLY bad all through church, and I had three extra choir member :) Becca, fer, and Lacy! It was great :)

After church we changed clothes and drove to Slidell and ate really good food, then I had to leave coz I needed to be back to church for five and if I had gone into New Orleans with them I'd have had to have turned right back around. SO I didn't go, felt kinda lonely for it too...

Then as the night progressed I felt progressively worse.... Glad I made it back to school. So, blah. Blah to feeling like crap and blah to not being able to hang out with my fersis and the lacy and my New Orleans friends today

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