Read this and you'll go insane
Sunday, March 24, 2002

That basically describes my day. Ok, so I woke up a lil bit late, feeling pretty crappy actually, and got ready to go to church, got there right before I was supposed to be there, I like to get there early. Ah well.... So, I didn't feel REALLY bad all through church, and I had three extra choir member :) Becca, fer, and Lacy! It was great :)

After church we changed clothes and drove to Slidell and ate really good food, then I had to leave coz I needed to be back to church for five and if I had gone into New Orleans with them I'd have had to have turned right back around. SO I didn't go, felt kinda lonely for it too...

Then as the night progressed I felt progressively worse.... Glad I made it back to school. So, blah. Blah to feeling like crap and blah to not being able to hang out with my fersis and the lacy and my New Orleans friends today

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