Read this and you'll go insane
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
So I feel like crap today. I woke up at 3am, unable to breathe again (I've had a cold since sunday night, came just the other side of the performance at church so I made it through that) and was hardly able to sleep. I got up 20 minutes early for work and just sat there. I made it through work - it was slow and I was able to get managerial stuffs done today, its nice to not have to interact with people too much when I'm sick.

Since then I've been sleeping and poppin pills.

One thing that has made my day better is tonight's second late Good Eats ep (it comes on at 7 every weekday and at 10 and 10:30 on wednesday. Anyway, he referenced Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the three headed knight, there was a three headed butcher. Then he referenced They Might be Giants with someone saying "You know Istanbul WAS Constantinople..." :D

Sunday, December 19, 2004
Well, Christmas performances are all but over! The concert Tuesday night went well as far as I can remember. I will probably have different feelings upon hearing the CD, but that is how these things go.

Tonight's program at church (9 lessons and carols along with Vaughn Williams' Fantasia on Christmas Carols) went really well. I was worried about my solo parts in the Fantasia because I woke up this morning with a sore throat, but having skipped church this morning in the name of vocal rest I made it through. I wouldn't be able to make it through another song tonight, though.

The only thing left is a quartet I'm singing with my sister and two other ladies Sunday morning of next week.

What else is planned this week? Work for one. And a choir Christmas party for another. I know that Carla (boss) had said she wanted to get together with becca and me sometime next week but I dont see that happening with out schedules, and then there's Christmas eve at grandma Gosey's and Christmas night here at our house (our being me and my grandmother, obviously).

In Jan becca and I are going to a wedding in New Orleans on the 8th. We haven't yet planned the trip beyond we will be in New Orleans on the 8th (obviously) but I think we will see folks in the 'burg sometime and we will have to spend some time with the Jason (jeff the fish) while we are in New Orleans.

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