Thursday, May 16, 2002
Well, I did it, upgraded my computer. After four years I have a new processor. Yepyep. Because my old motherboard decided to hate me. Now I'm runnin an AMD XP 1800+ and Windows XP and it's FAST! The upgrade went really well too. Now I have a semi-functional motherboard with ADM K6-2 400 chip and 512 megs of RAM. Whenever I decide to upgrade my video card and sound card again (which'll be a long while) I'll probably set up another system and see how long it runs. I dunno.
Tonight in church the pastor talked about using scripture in prayer. Actualy, he didn't. He said he was but he didn't. He talked about scripture and the truth of scripture but only in passing after his opening remarks did he mention it in prayer. But just that got me to thinking and intrigued me.
I am always interested in differant practices in prayer. I guess you could say I'm looking for something new. Mainly because the way I pray seems so empty. "Dear God, thank you for this and this, please help me with this, please be with these sick people. Amen." Ok, so that's an over-exageration but it's not far from reality most of the time. Also that doesn't even happen near as often as it should... But there's just something empty about those prayers.
I have heard some about contemplation, mostly from the articles at the vagrantcafe, and am very intrigued by it. I really think it would do some good if more people practiced this more than they do (which is near nil at the moment) I really think I could benifit from it. And it seems that using scripture in prayer is a closely related thing, I mean, contemplation is basicaly meditating on a scripture for extended periods of time. I really think a lot of people neglect the use of scripture as anything but reading and studying. I think praying scripture and meditation on scripture is a very important thing and I really want to try to start more of it.
I really just need to get into scripture more in general as I have been out of it for some time now. I miss my friend lily, I havn't talked to her in about a week now, she always encourages me about being in the Word and all that, I need to e-mail here tonight I think while I wait on these partitions to format.
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)