Read this and you'll go insane
Monday, December 09, 2002
On missions

So, what is going on in my life these days? Not sure.

Here's the low down:

Today a missionary came to my church and spoke. She serves in china short term, teaching english as a second language. While she was speaking I felt, as I have a number of times before listening to missionaries speak and talking to my missionary friends, that I might be called to missions. But this time it was differant. Before I have felt like I might be called to missions but never that I might be called to missions in that particular country. This time I felt I might be called to missions in China.

Afterwards she mentioned to me that they would like to have a music person there, which is odd because I didn't mention to her how I felt. So... perhaps that was You, God?

I did pray in the service for guidance from Him.


Anyway, any of you missionary type people, please get in touch with me, I might be needing someone to talk to about stuff, eh! (Fer, that means you espically)

God is good. I think this week will be better than last, already it has started off good. And my choir is quite ready for our Christmas program next sunday :)

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