Friday, April 04, 2003
So today I took the GRE... I didn't make a 500 on the verbal section, and I don't think I made a 1000 over-all, but I won't know untill they grade the written parts of the test, about three weeks away...
Those two numbers are important because LSU requires them for admission to the graudate library science program (and in checking other schools, so does USC (South carolina) while UNC (Indiana and North Carolina) does not have a minimum score stated and IU does not require GRE scores at all except for competitive schollarships and aid or if you had a undergrad GPA less than 3.0. USM (Southern Miss.) does not require GRE scores at all, at least I didn't see it listed as a requirement on the MLIS site.
So... If I want to go to LSU or for some reason USC, I have to take it again. I need to find out about the New Orleans job so I know.
I have been trying to decide what to do if I do not get the job in New Orleans and I have come to the following conclusion: I will look for a part-time job here in the burg and either keep the church I have or find a better paying one (FBC Purvis is looking for a minister of music, and they have a youth choir, that would be nice.). Then I would see about getting into the library science program at USM (Don't tell chris though, he might get excited about having me at his school!) probably for the spring of next year I guess (Or who knows, I might even be able to swing the fall.).
Also I need to get my finances under control. I'm spending about $200-$300 a month more than I ought to be (when I look at everything on paper, a lot of that is probably from eating out too much, something I need to not do for health reasons ANYWAY!)
I got done with the test in 2 hours, putting it at 10:30am when I got out, so I rushed over to my college and joined New Testament for the last half of class, got my CRV check and went to choir, which wasn't a full rehearsal as most of the key voices are at NATS, the first state NATS competition I have missed in a while. sometimes I miss because of easter, this time just because I didn't have any literature sutible for my category. So we rehearsed the double quartet with what people we had (it's actualy more like a double double quartet, I think we have two voices on each part, I know the men do.) and then some solos (I have one goodly long aria and a short reci right before it.).
Then I went to take care of a bounced check at the grocery store.. there went half of my crv check! Eek!
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)