Read this and you'll go insane
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Well, well, well! About 15 minutes ago there was a knock at the door and it was the UPS man with my capacitor! That's the one for the organ amp that broke the week we got the organ. So I screwed it in and put a new fuse in the amp and plugged it in. After 30 seconds the fuse was still good! So, tomorow I will take the amp up to the church and plug it up to the organ and see how things go! The capacitor is rated 25 volts higher than the one in there, but the lady at Mouser said that was fine, it's rather like putting a higher rated speaker on a lower rated amp, it actually just provides a bit larger buffer zone before things blow up. (If you don't want to blow out speakers buy ones that are rated at a higher wattage than the amplifier that you are using and you will never have to worry about blowing them out with too much power. Apparently, buy a higher voltage capacitor than you need and it's the same idea. We'll find out if it works!) I'm excited!

The part was only $8, and I paid about $4 for shipping. Great deal, really. I'd seen them listed as high as $20. And that was places that sold in bulk! Also I ordered it friday afternoon and it shipped out by the end of the day, got here in four days!

Oh, and if anyone should be needing any electronic components you should check out Mouser Electronics. Of course most of the people who I know read my blog don't use the sort of stuff they sell there.

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