Thursday, February 05, 2004
I have put the first coat of black paint on my computer now. Oh, you don't know what I'm doing! Well, see, last summer I started painting my computer. I took the case off and sanded it down, sanded down the front panel, took all the drive covers off and sanded them. I primed all the plastic (that's the front and drive covers and buttons) and painted them. They came out great except for one faceplate which got some dirt on it before one coat was dry... Well, I got busy. And the project got pushed aside for other things.
Then I moved and all. Now I'm here at my grandmother's with not a lot to do and a wonderful workshop in the basment so I have started my project again. Now... I'm not sure what colour it was that I was using before, a nice metallic red colour. So I've decided that, while I will leave the faceplate that cover I will paint the metal case black. And I have replaced two of my drives since this and need to repaint the one that got dirt on it. So those will become silver.
I'd have probably just left it as it was if I hadn't stripped all of the paint off the top of the case, thereby leaving it free to rust. So here I am, painting it. It'll look nice though. I need to get a rubbing compound to make the case shiny. And I need to start on the drive faceplates.
Another... problem I have had is that in the two moves I've made I have lost the springs for the power and reset switches... so I must find something with which to replace those springs so that I can use the cover of the case once again. Yay. If anyone knows where I could find springs about an inch long and a little larger in diameter than those used in inkpens (They are the size of the post so they won't fit around the post...
In other news, I got mail today! A package from! The contents of said package? Fiddler on the Roof and My Fair Lady on DVD (Widescreen, of course)! Yay for mail!
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)