Read this and you'll go insane
Friday, March 12, 2004
I give you a post from yesterday in Engrish:

So I went away at 3 o'clock in order to visit South Carolina DMV therefore I my residence have SC change can from AL. I similar 1/4 returned up to 4. When traffic to be less, rather than being beautiful, considering, large I say. I 15 minutes less than used with DMV which obtains the license where I am new. As for everything which it needs residence (in me 2 week going, that kind of ones evidence it was not before, was, now there is a stump of the paycheck of that my address). As for me a certain thing which in me other than my AL DL is SC DL before being, it was not necessary to offer the form of ID. I were 16 year old sometime, retaliate the same quantity which is in me. I now live officially in South Carolina, can vote here. Now there is a driver's permit in the state where and I use the majority of my times really in me, require for the first time as a house of my life! When we have lived in ニユー オーリンズ, when I am in the university, SC DL me is LA and AL DLs which it had in me. It is splendid to have reduced at the number of states where I have lived! I to live still, I crossing the GA/SC line exactly, because it works with GA, if it counts confusion and insanity, but two states (4) rather you use time. As for me being the place where I really have lived, I, must have the method approximately of confusing the people, it presumes that? : )

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