Read this and you'll go insane
Thursday, October 21, 2004
It's been a fairly busy week, though not overly so. Tuesday night and tonight we had rehearsals for the Augusta Choral Society performance tomorrow night. Things weren't coming together real well Tuesday, but then I remembered it's almost always like that when you move into a cavernous performance space like that from a rehearsal room. Tonight things were better, partly because it was our second rehearsal in a week and partly because we were more accustomed to the space. It's a nice space, too; an old catholic church that has been renovated and is now a historical community building, or something like that.

My parents got into town last night and are getting moved into their place. It's not that great, in bad condition, but rent is only $300.

Our dog is going to get fat living here... My grandmother fed her ice cream today.

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