Monday, December 26, 2005
Seaquest DSV on sci-fi??? Why didn't someone TELL me? So I turn on Sci-fi at about 5:55 to see if Stargate will be on today or if they were playing some annoying movie marathon like cable networks are so fond of doing this time of the year (because when people are home from school and off work they want to see five days of the same thing, not the regular, varied show schedule). What was on at the 5 o'clock hour wasn't X-files, nor was it some random movie marathon. It was the end of a Seaquest DSV episode! What??? I checked yahoo's tv listing and they played Seaquest all day yesterday and will tomorrow as well! What? I never saw any previews for that, no one told me! Scifi doesn't really have anything about even HAVING seaquest on their site!
I know they have Earth2 but rarely show it (jerks) but seaquest now too?? I love these shows!
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)