Tuesday, February 28, 2006
So I turn on Sci-fi to see what is on and this movie, Alien Apocalypse is on, staring Bruce Campble of Army of Darkness fame (Ash).
Astronauts return to earth to find the human race enslaved by insectoid aliens (the troops look a lot like battle droids from Episode 1...). Bruce is the doctor of the crew.
Here is a quote:
Random human decides he's had enough rebelling against the evil alien bug overlords and tells Dr. Bruce that he's going back to tell the bugs where they are. As he's walking away Dr. Bruce picks up a crude looking crossbow and looks it and says something to the guy as he is walking away and the guy turns around. Dr. Bruce shoots him in the chest and the guy gasps, "You're... You're a doctor... You're supposed to heal people!" To which Bruce replies, "I am. Your stupidity is terminal, you've been cured."
And with this post, we shall see if anymore posts vanish.
Klasinc&Loncar Duo (Just trying to help it get picked up by Google spiders, I maintain it for them)