Read this and you'll go insane
Saturday, March 11, 2006
So I finally did it! Everywhere I've lived since I started college I've had milk crates and boxes of stuff stacked around my room. It has become fewer and fewer milk crates and boxes over the past four or so years as I've had a little more stability in where I lived from year to year what with the apartment in Hattiesubrg and now living here with my grandmother, but it was still there.

However, as of today there are no longer ANY milk crates or boxes stacked in my room. Sure, there is stuff stored on the shelf in my closet, in a small patch of space in the attic, and some stuff in one of the outbuildings, but it's semi-organized in those locations and it's not OUT in the way and being ugly clutter.

I guess it was the warm weather outside (it got to be over 80 today, ick!) and the pollen that I can tell is in the air because of how my eyes have been burning (today it's partly from dust, I am sure) but I got the "spring cleaning" bug. I also vacuumed up a dog, or it looks like there is a dog in the vaccine bag! Sooo much dust and dog hair around this room, sooo icky. (And even though I brush her daily, have bathed and even vacuumed her (much to her chagrin) she still sheds tons and tons of hair. If you grab her fur gently between your fingers and pull away, not hard just gently holding it so it slips from between your fingers as you pull away, bunches of it come off. If you ruffle her fur up clouds and clouds of it come off her. It's crazy. I mean, it WAS 80 out today, so shedding season HAS started. Time to shave her again methinks -- not that my grandmother will approve.)

Ummm, so where was I? Oh yes, my room is clean now. I had stacks of books that hadn't been organized on the shelves yet because crates were blocking the two lower shelves so those are in order now, I have organized my recipe collection in an expanding file, I have a stack of paper organizers on my desk three high, and there are no more boxes or crates stacked around this room, it's great!

I have one box of books to take to Goodwill that have been sitting on my floor for well over a year now that are by the door for me to take soon.

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