Read this and you'll go insane
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I think a bank or two are getting robbed every other week around here these days.

Summer is over, all the kids go back to school here tomorrow. Summer means nothing to me any longer! It's still hot out. Summer in the south lasts until thanksgiving or christmas! Haha!

It does mean that the choirs start back up and opera rehearsals start! Stuff to do again since I have no life, yay!

Man of La Mancha is the show for the fall. It's got a small chorus part so not too much rehearsal.

That is about all that is going on in my boring life. Yup.

I've gotta get to graduate school at least then I'll be busy with things that matter to me.

I don't hate my job yet, but if I work there two or three years I'm sure i'd hate it as much as the coffeeshop, except that the hours ARE better. But it's not work that matters to me.

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