Read this and you'll go insane
Monday, September 10, 2007
Unhorse Shunless
hard-skinned spheres the size of a mans fist.
Maybe these were the
and here is Madonette, welcome, welcome.
are just one more sentenced crook.
Who is going to carry his own pack-
males soon became manic brick makers.
After we showed them how to

extruded sharp toenails, leaped high then climbed up my clothes,
Where is the key? the man in the cage asked,
but the boy was gone.
Wonderful, Floyd muttered. It may have seemed pretty obvious to him
I took another sip of water,
wished that it was a stronger liquid.
Thanks for the job offer-but no thanks. So the men beyond the wall
top of him.
can see quite clearly . . .

That is all for today's issue of Spam Poetry.

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